1981 circa
 clockwise: Rino Pastore (with the red t-shirt) keyboards and vocals,
Salvatore Silvestri vocals and drums, Carmine Ielardi bass, Tony Scognamiglio guitar


Rino Pastore: keyboards and vocals (1980-today)

Salvatore Silvestri: drums (1980-1998)

Carmine Ielardi: bass (1980-1983)

Mario Giammetti: vocals, guitars, bass (1983-today)

Pietro Pastore: bass (1983-1984)

Live 24th September 1983
Line up: Mario (vocals, guitar), Pietro (bass), Salvatore (drums), Rino (keyboards, vocals).
At the time Algebra plays a mixture of original tunes (A Prayer, You Can't, Il muro,
The Clouds Are Always Present, Gente che vive
) and covers (Pink Floyd, Genesis, Pino Daniele).

Algebra November 1983
L-R: Mario, Renato, Pietro, Rino.
This is a short time line up of Algebra, during Salvatore Silvestri's vacation,
with drummer Renato Trapani and bass player Pietro Pastore.

Algebra live 1984
L-R Rino (keyboards, vocals), Pietro (bass, acoustic guitar), Mario (lead vocals, lead guitar), Salvatore (drums),
Renato Trapani (rhythm guitar, piano, backing vocals).

After Salvatore's coming back at the drummer seat, Renato Trapani switches to rhythm guitar and piano.
This line up only lasts a few months. The band set list features again covers mixed with an increasing number
of original cuts (A Prayer, You Can't, Il Muro, The Clouds Are Always Present, Il ladro romantico, Gente che vive, Sviluppi).



Mythus 1985/86: on the sofa: Cris Pascale and Michelangelo Sirignano
on the floor: Mario and Rino

At the end of 1984, Mario is contacted by the guitarist Cristofaro Pascale, who is looking for a bass player.
Mario (also the lead vocalist) brings with him Rino on keyboards and they contact a drummer called Michelangelo Sirignano.
Thjs band is initially called Nodo Scorsoio and later Mythus.
With this line up they record in 1985 a demo with three songs: Cercando il volo, Verso il nulla and Claudia.
Michelangelo leaves in the summer.

Taxirum 1986 (ph Augusto Giammetti)
L-R Mario Giammetti (bass, lead vocals), Salvatore Silvestri (drums), Cris Pascale (guitar),
Rino Pastore (keyboards)

After Michelangelo Sirignano's departure, the former Mythus call back Salvatore Silvestri.
The band changes name in Crisam and later in Taxirum.

Taxirum record a three demo tapes in 1985/86.
They all include original songs penned by the members of the band:
Un'immagine a lato, Marcel, Dietro un ambiente, Battelli sulla senna, Spazi aperti, Echi lontani,
Vibrazioni, Da un'idea del momento, Dopo una storia




Algebra 1999
L-R: Mario, Maria, Roberto, Franco, Rino
During the recordings of De-Constructing Wyatt for the Canterbury tribute album.

Rome, 10th March 2003.
L-R Maria, Mario, Roberto at the legendary venue Big Mama (ph. Cesko Giammetti).
A reduced acoustic line up of Algebra performed two songs live (Genesis' Ripples and Jethro Tull's Up To Me)
at the Legeds Night, an evening where Editori Riuniti presents some of its books. Algebra's performance
is justified from by Mario's forthcoming book "Genesis - Il fiume del costante cambiamento"

Benevento, 24th October 2003
Mario (vocals, acoustic guitar, bass), Franco (drums, vocals), Rino (synthesizer, bass) and
Roberto (piano, synhtesizer)  join to the presentation of the book "Racconti a 33 giri".
They play three Italian songs: Vorrei comprare una strada (New Trolls), Gioco di bimba / Ho difeso
il mio amore
(Le Orme / Profeti) and Impressioni di settembre (PFM).

Naples, 19th May 2004
Franco and Mario (ph. Nando Caserta)
Algebra perform at the FNAC shop in Naples presenting Mario's book
"Genesis - Il fiume del costante cambiamento"

Naples, 19th May 2004
Rino and Roberto (ph. Nando Caserta)
Algebra's performance at the FNAC shop in Naples for the presentation of Mario's book
"Genesis - Il fiume del costante cambiamento". The band plays seven Genesis songs: Dusk, Time Table,
I Know What I Like, Afterglow, No Son Of Mine
and Not About Us with this line up:
Mario (vocals and acoustic guitar), Roberto (piano), Rino (synthesizer), Franco (drums and backing vocals).

Benevento, 24th June 2004
L-R Franco, Roberto, Mario and Rino (ph. Salvatore Intragna)
Another Mario's book "Genesis - Il fiume del costante cambiamento" presentation.
Algebra plays the same songs as in Naples.

Benevento, 24th June 2004
L-R the host Donato Zoppo, Tony Pagliuca and Mario Giammetti (ph. Salvatore Intragna)
During Mario's book presentation the legendary Le Orme former keyboard player Tony Pagliuca speak to the public.

September 2004.
L-R seated: Roberto, Franco; standing: Rino, Maria, Mario.
The latest line up of Algebra after the recording of Dear Diary for the Moody Blues tribute album.