The musical box

The european tour of the canadian

 tribute band

All the pictures are taken from the official web site:

The Musical Box are very pleased to be able to announce the re-scheduled dates for the UK leg of the 30th Anniversary Tour of 'Selling England By The Pound':

Thurs 9th Oct Bristol, Colston Halls

Fri 10th Oct Glasgow, Clyde Auditorium - SECC

Sat 11th Oct Manchester, Tameside Hippodrome

Sun 12th Oct Nottingham, Royal Centre



15th Oct Hamburg - cch - saal 2

16th Oct Oberhausen - arena (theaterbestuhlung mit 2.000 sitzplätzen - also nicht erschrecken)
17th Oct Berlin - arena treptow

18th Oct Frankfurt - jahrhunderthalle
19th Oct Stuttgart - liederhalle 

22nd Oct München, Zirkus Krone

23rd October  Zurich, (to be confirmed)


Weds 29th Oct Birmingham, Hippodrome Theatre

Thurs 30th Oct (awaiting confirmation)

Fri 31st Oct London, Royal Albert Hall

Sat 1st Nov Southampton, Guildhall

The Musical Box will also be playing shows in France and Belgium and possibly other places too. The details for these shows are in the process of being finalised and dates will be announced soon.



25,50 Euro (29,35 Euro)
32,50 Euro (37,05 Euro)
36,50 Euro (41,45 Euro)
39,50 Euro (44,75 Euro)

We are waiting for the announcement of the new dates in Germany and France. It is possible that a couple more shows will be added to the tour plus a one-off Foxtrot show.

Who can travel over France, UK, Germany can't miss these gigs.

Tickets available here:

A limited number of the best seats for these venues can only be only be purchased from the site at